BrainDump to Notes for Android - what is it?

I have just released an app for the Android devices. It's free. What it does is allow you to quickly save Stuff that is on your mind as small Notes on the Android device. The Stuff is saved locally.
When you are ready, you can click a button that will save those Notes to your Lotus Notes ToDo list in your email database, where they will show up as Uncategorized ToDo's in in your regular ToDo views. It is good for quickly collecting Stuff (as known to Getting Things Done followers). If you are working in the Getting Things Done way, you would label this app as one of your Buckets.
The app is available free of charge from the Android market.
The app works just fine with the eProductivity GTD template: Notes saved from BrainDump will show up in your Actions list as an Action without a Context. There is a setting in the eP options that, when enabled, will prompt you to give such Actions a context.
I have done a quick demo of the app. Have a look:


1 - Hej, nu har du jo haft din droid i et stykke tid, er du stadig tilfreds med den. Jeg overvejer nemlig at anskaffe mig én.
Skrevet af / Written by Thomas fra 10:36:27 På 05-02-2010 | - Hjemmeside - |

Gravatar Image2 - @8 Paul. The message from the log means that the format of the name you have entered in the Preferences->Login name is not OK. The code does a very primitive check of the name, but one of the requirements is that the name is in "your name/Company" format. You are not allowed to enter "Jens Bruntt", you need to put in the Abbreviated format, which is usually something like "Jens Bruntt/Sales/Convergens".
You should recognize this format from when you are using your Lotus Notes client, where names are often presented in this format.
If you are using Lotus Notes 8, you can find your name in the Notes client by accessing File->Security->User security.
I my case this prompts me to login, and just above the password field I can see my Abbreviated name.

Please let me know if this helps.

Skrevet af / Written by Jens Bruntt fra 08:29:54 På 29-11-2010 | - Hjemmeside - |

Gravatar Image3 - Thank you so much Jens. Works a treat now. This is a great app!Emoticon
Skrevet af / Written by Paul Gardner fra 08:56:45 På 29-11-2010 | - Hjemmeside - |

Gravatar Image4 - Im getting closer. Am now getting error "Failure: println needs a message - check your prefrences for errors."

Please help!
Skrevet af / Written by Matthew fra 21:41:07 På 24-06-2011 | - Hjemmeside - |

Gravatar Image5 - The host name has to be something like you will not get it working using the ip address.
A good way for figuring out which host name to use is to access you email through a browser. Inotes. The host name used there is probably what you need in braindump for notes.
Also you will then be able to see if you should use ssl/https. When using webmail it will say https in the url, and then you should check the http box in the braindump preferences.
Skrevet af / Written by jens bruntt fra 09:06:06 På 25-06-2011 | - Hjemmeside - |

Gravatar Image6 - Wow, looks great!
Skrevet af / Written by Ryan Heathers fra 02:35:46 På 05-02-2010 | - Hjemmeside - |

Gravatar Image7 - Hi Jens

I can't seem to get this working. I keep getting an error saying :NotesName from Prefences is not OK"

The log says "PM isUsableNotesName FAILS due to too missing / character"

I'd be very appreciative if you would email me and I'll send you my details including a screenshot showing url etc...

Thank you

Skrevet af / Written by Paul Gardner fra 06:25:37 På 29-11-2010 | - Hjemmeside - |

Gravatar Image8 - @6 I'm sorry Josep, I don't really have a nice, easy sample to look at.
What I do suggest though is that you look at how you can access Domino databases using HTTP in two ways:

  • From a standard browser.
  • Using SOAP based Web services.
    Read the Domino Designer help. there is information there about both these subjects.
    I am sorry I can't be of more help.
    Skrevet af / Written by Jens Bruntt fra 19:29:39 På 01-11-2010 | - Hjemmeside - |

Gravatar Image9 - Having issues with the host. I have put our host name in and getting errors. Tried blaming on DNS so I used the IP it states "host name may not be null" Lotus 8.5.2 on Droid X with Traveler. Android Version 2.3.3. Can you give me an example of how the host needs to be portraied or any other tips. thanks. I would love for this to work.
Skrevet af / Written by matthew fra 19:55:55 På 24-06-2011 | - Hjemmeside - |

Gravatar Image10 - Thanks Devin! Emoticon
Skrevet af / Written by Jens Bruntt fra 07:31:25 På 04-02-2010 | - Hjemmeside - |

Gravatar Image11 - YES!!!

This is EXACTLY the kind of Notes / Android application that we (the yellow sphere) need on the market. It does one thing, it does it extremely well, and it is simple to use and understand.

Exceptional work, great job Jens.
Skrevet af / Written by Devin Olson fra 14:28:48 På 03-02-2010 | - Hjemmeside - |

Gravatar Image12 - @10 Glad to be of help. Remember to rate the app in the Android Market Emoticon

A colleague and I are looking in to creating an app that will allow you to have your Notes ToDos available in an Android app. Doing two-way synchronization....
Skrevet af / Written by Jens Bruntt fra 10:05:44 På 29-11-2010 | - Hjemmeside - |

Gravatar Image13 - Hello Jens,

I'm new in Android development and I'm trying to connect it with Lotus Notes databases using http.

Please, could you send me some samples about how to do it?

Thanks in Advance!

Josep Alemany
Skrevet af / Written by Josep fra 19:00:23 På 26-10-2010 | - Hjemmeside - |

Gravatar Image14 - Til @4: Ja, jeg er sådan set tilfreds. Det er jo meget en personlig vurdering, men for mig går det fint.

Highlights. Gode:

  • Sjovt med alle de apps man kan hente og lege med.
  • Sjovt at man selv kan udvikle dimser.
  • Der er rent faktisk apps jeg bruger til noget fornuftigt - den løser med andre ord konkrete behov ud over bare sjov.
  • Tastaturet. Jeg synes det er godt.


  • Batterilevetiden. De fleste dage kan jeg nøjes med opladning om natten, men det sker at den skal have lidt ekstra om eftermiddagen.
  • Synkronisering af medier (musik) til Android... Har ikke fundet den gode model endnu.
  • De kendte fejl. Vi venter på opgradering fra 2.0 til 2.0.1. Jeg klarer mig sådan set OK med det som det er.

Skrevet af / Written by Jens Bruntt fra 12:18:03 På 05-02-2010 | - Hjemmeside - |