Lotus Traveler AutoSync on Nokia E65 fixed by Lotus

On the 25th of february Lotus released a fix for Lotus Traveler that contains address a number of issues.
The one I was interested in was that the Traveler client for Nokia (Symbian OS) devices stopped synchronizing every 3-6 hours on my Nokia E65: Lotus Traveler - still not stable Auto sync on Nokia E65.
I applied the fix to my Traveler server and I installed the new client. And it works. I have had the client running continuously for almost a week now, and it has never stopped synchronizing.
If you need to get hold of the fix, then access www.ibm.com/support/fixcentral/ and then go like this: Lotus --> Lotus Notes Traveler --> And the rest is self explanatory.
This fix pack actually contains a number of fixes, so do not let the description scare you away. There is a good readme-file inside the package.