GTD introduction and eProductivity resonates with colleagues
Last week we had our monthly "Technology meeting" at Convergens . This is a 3-hour workshop or meeting where we have all sorts of demonstrations or discussions around tech stuff.
I was presenting all three subjects this month. One of my subjects was called Getting Things Done Demonstration. It was a 30-minute introduction to the Getting Things Done way of thinking about your work and a demonstration of how I use the eProductivity mail template.
Today I visited the main office again, and apparently both GTD and eProductivity sounds like it could cure some pains experienced by my colleagues. Especially those working with management or project management. I got comments from some colleagues that they were sorry they missed the show, they heard that it had been interesting. There was talk about our Director having placed an order for the David Allen book, and when some of my colleagues had been at a customer site, mentioning the eProductivity template and my demonstration, the customer asked for a demonstration; calling that cusomer has been been registered as an Action in my system with the @Phone context - of course.
Interesting experience, really. My first impression from the demo was that people thought that it was a lot of work managing your actions and projects in the GTD/eProductivity way. My counter-argument is that whatever way you organize, you do have a system that takes you some time to maintain. So, the real question is if eProductivity and GTD will cost you more or less time to use compared to what you did before. In my opinion using GTD and eProductivity is definately something that pays for itself. I am sure that I do not use more time managing my projects and actions in the GTD way than before I switched from my rolling Microsoft Word To-Do document.
From my talk with colleagues, what has been resonating with them is the "in a system you can trust" line (compared to the mix of Sticky notes, Unread-marking emails, Word Documents etc.), the Weekly Review and the way that the GTD way of thinking really enables you to handle all your activities and projects, not just your work-related stuff.
One manager asked me if there was a reseller model for the eProductivity template. And is there a model for translating it to Danish? Both questions haave been registered in an Action with the @Computer context