Actions with Notes for Android is public
I have just released Actions with Notes on the Android Market. Here a link to the entry in the market.
Quite a lot of work has gone into this app.
It lets your Lotus Notes Actions (ToDo documents) synchronize to your Android device.
On the device you can create new Actions and you can mark existing Actions done.
You can browse Actions by Context (Category).
The app should be of use to anyone who uses the Lotus Notes ToDo-system that is included in the mail file. There are some features that are only available to those who use the eProductivity mail template.
I hope that it will prove useful to the Android-enabled GTD practitioners.
1 - Thanks Jens,
I posted my questions (and code) here
{ Link }
Skrevet af / Written by Vincenzo fra 12:49:43 På 13-04-2012 | - Hjemmeside - |
Gravatar Image2 - @8 Alejandro. I have just checked my app source code. The error message that you quote above is from the app called Braindump to Notes { Link } which is an older app that is only good for creating Actions (ToDo Notes).
This explains why you do not find the menu items I was asking you to use to send me the log.
You should give Actions With Notes a try instead { Link }
Actions with Notes is the app that this Blog entry was about.
Skrevet af / Written by Jens Bruntt fra 08:05:48 På 24-01-2012 | - Hjemmeside - |
Gravatar Image3 - @3 Thank you for the comment Thomas. But I am afraid I do not understand why you mention iNotes here. It sounds like you think that Actions with Notes requires you to be using iNotes - and it doesn't.
Skrevet af / Written by jens bruntt fra 23:47:04 På 29-12-2011 | - Hjemmeside - |
Gravatar Image4 - @6 Alejandro, thanks for trying the app.
Could you please send me the log from when the authenication fails?
Menu->log. Then check that the log contains information from your unsuccesful login and and then menu->Mail log to developer.
Hopefully I can gather something from your that.
Skrevet af / Written by Jens Bruntt fra 18:18:10 På 23-01-2012 | - Hjemmeside - |
Gravatar Image5 - Hello Jens,
Thanks for your reply. I didn't find the menu option form Mai log to developer, but I did look in the menu. Becasue fo this I did find that it wasn't able to find the host and as I use a secondary server it turns out port 80 was closed on the router. I have now opened it but still get an error: "FAILURE: Hostname may not be empty".check your preferences for errors. The host name field does have a value.
Skrevet af / Written by Alejandro Ahumada fra 18:43:26 På 23-01-2012 | - Hjemmeside - |
Gravatar Image6 - Hello Jens,
I've tried the application but it always fails on authentication. I've double checked everything and it's Ok.
Our Domino domain has a space in it's name. Could that cause your application to fail at login?
Skrevet af / Written by Alejandro Ahumada fra 13:33:04 På 23-01-2012 | - Hjemmeside - |
Gravatar Image7 - If you want to sync your ToDo's via Lotus Traveler, take a look at the product from , they can sync with a Traveler server without any additional software on the server side, and without the need of using iNotes.
Skrevet af / Written by Thomas fra 18:08:23 På 29-12-2011 | - Hjemmeside - |
Gravatar Image8 - Hej Jens
Har du så ikke også løsningen så Notes Calender kan synk med google calender? Den app er yderst savnet i Grubdfos. vi kan godt synk den anden vej. Godt Nytår. Lars Mersh
Skrevet af / Written by Lars Mersh fra 13:51:47 På 29-12-2011 | - Hjemmeside - |
Gravatar Image9 - @13 I posted a reply to your answer on Domino Authentication on Stackoverflow: { Link }
Skrevet af / Written by Jens Bruntt fra 19:31:57 På 23-04-2012 | - Hjemmeside - |
Gravatar Image10 - Hi Jens,
I tried your android app "Actions with Notes" and it is very interesting, my compliments. I am a Lotus Notes developer and I'm studying android app development with Lotus Notes. I have searched a lot for information and examples on how to create a secure connection between the android device and the Domino server, in order to exchange data. But I had no success.
Shall I ask you to give me some suggestions (web sites link, forum threads, documentation) to drive me in the right direction and start having fun with android world. Your help will be greatly appreciated.
Thank you anyway.
Skrevet af / Written by Vincenzo fra 12:50:19 På 12-04-2012 | - Hjemmeside - |
Gravatar Image11 - We are talking about Actions with Notes right. And not Braindump to Notes.
I think you should have a look through this video: { Link }
It explains how to configure the app.
Let me know if it helps.
Skrevet af / Written by Jens Bruntt fra 19:40:08 På 23-01-2012 | - Hjemmeside - |
Gravatar Image12 - @1 Hej Lars
Det skal ikke løses med en app. Jeg synes da at jeg har set værktøjer der siger at de kan det du beskriver dér. Jeg mindes at have set noget man installere som afvikles mens Lotus Notesklienten er tændt og som kan synkronisere begge veje.
mener at det var { Link }
Skrevet af / Written by Jens Bruntt fra 16:07:13 På 29-12-2011 | - Hjemmeside - |
Gravatar Image13 - @1 Lars - du kan også se på GooCalSync: { Link } - den synkroniserer begge veje.
Skrevet af / Written by Jens Bruntt fra 11:59:15 På 10-01-2012 | - Hjemmeside - |
Gravatar Image14 - @11 Hi Vincenzo.
The right place to put a question would be on and then make sure to tag your entry with the android { Link } and lotus-domino { Link } tags.
If you post on there and leave a link here I will do what I can to give you what help I can Emoticon
Skrevet af / Written by Jens Bruntt fra 15:49:47 På 12-04-2012 | - Hjemmeside - |